The Rain and The Harvest

The Rain and The Harvest


The burden of this bible study is to gain an understanding of the prophetic concept of The Rain of the Lord – its character and how we are to prepare ourselves to benefit from it. In simple terms, the rain of the Lord can be likened to funding packages made available by the government to accelerate development in particular sectors of the economy. And in the context of this analogy, we want to understand the extent of the provision, how we can qualify for it, and how we can both receive it and apply it profitably for our advancement. 

Leading Texts: We would use the following scriptures to begin our discussion on the character of the rain and how we can prepare ourselves for it: Hosea 6:1-3, Isaiah 61:11, Isaiah 62:1, Hosea 10:12, 2 Corinthians 4:6-7, Genesis 8:20-22, Psalm 30:5, James 5:7-8, Deuteronomy 32:2, 2 Peter 1:9, Malachi 3:1, 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9, 1 Corinthians 13:9-10, Exodus 23:14-15, Acts 3:19-25, Romans 8:11,23, 1 Kings 8:1-6, Joel 2:19-23.

What is the character of the rain?

  • In Hosea 6:1-3, what does scripture mean by: “… He shall come unto us as the rain …”? In simple terms, it reveals that the rain is actually the visitation of the Lord. Physically speaking, we know that rain is water, and in Ephesians 5:26, we are shown that water is a symbol for the Word of God. Then in John 1:1-14 and Revelation 19:11-13 we see that the Lord Jesus is referred to as the Word of God. Meaning, when Hosea 6:3 says “… He shall come unto us as the rain …” part of what this means is that the Lord Jesus will come to us through the medium of His word to have a similar effect on us as rain has on the earth (to produce a bountiful harvest). 
  • Discuss: How does the Lord Jesus through His word have a similar effect on us as rain has on the earth for harvest?
  • The remaining part of Hosea 6:3 says: “… as the latter and former rain unto the earth …”. What does this mean? It is saying that the coming of the Lord to us is like the latter and the former rain? In agricultural terms, the former and latter rain were two periods of rain intended to guarantee a bountiful harvest for the people of Israel. Similarly, in spiritual terms, they refer to two major investments of the Lord towards His people (those who receive Him) to guarantee that they (as many as partake of the rain) shall indeed be part of the bountiful harvest of His labor upon humanity (James 5:7-9, Hebrews 6:4-9). It is because of this “harvest analogy” that words like “firstfruits” are used relative to the Lord’s work of translating humanity from death to life (1 Corinthians 15:22-24). 
  • Discuss: Why is the harvest (and the rain) a suitable analogy for the Lord’s work of salvation?
  • We have seen that the former and latter rain represent two major investments of the Lord towards His people. How can we use Hosea 6:1-3 to answer the question: What and when are the two major investments of the Lord towards His people? Discuss before proceeding. We can begin to get a clue by asking: When were we “smitten for two days and then revived on the third day”? It is at the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. We were in Him when He was crucified (and so we have been smitten for sin and have died to sin), and we were in Him when He resurrected on the third day (and so we were revived or raised up on the third day). This is important to note because Hosea 6:3 says: “Then shall we know … He shall come unto us as the rain …”. The “Then” is an indication of time. That is, it is on the third day [when we are raised to live in His sight] that we shall begin to know because of the coming of the Lord as the rain. It is the coming of the Lord that gives us the opportunity to know Him. Question: If there are two rains (the former and latter rain) which rain occured in close proximity to when the Lord Jesus’s resurrection revived us on the third day? It is the first rain (the former rain). So when did the Lord come as the former rain? Clue: Acts 2:1-21. It was on the day of Pentecost. He came as the Holy Spirit – as a rain of enablement for every Christly thing we can experience in our Christian life (wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, and the fear of God) upon those who receive Him. However, Romans 8:23 helps us understand that this His coming as the Holy Spirit is actually more accurately referred to as “the firstfruits of the Spirit” (meaning, the first portion of the Holy Spirit’s enabling ministry towards His people). Meaning, beyond what we have known about the enablement of the Holy Spirit, there is yet another dimension (yet another rain). From the day of Pentecost till now, as people become born-again, they begin to experience the former rain (the first portion of the Holy Spirit’s enablement). 
  • Discuss: How do people qualify to receive the former rain? Acts 2:38. How do we maximize the benefit of the former rain? And what fruits is the Lord of the harvest expecting from the investment of the former rain?
  • Discuss: Using (i) Exodus 23:14-16 (which speaks of Pentecost (the feast of the harvest of the first set of crops) and Tabernacles (the ingathering or full harvest of all crop types for the agricultural year) and (ii) Romans 8:11,23 (which speaks of the firstfruits of the Spirit and the redemption of our mortal bodies), and any other scriptures, discuss these two questions:
  1. Considering that the former rain (the first portion of the Holy Spirit’s enablement) has been so impactful and diverse in operations and administrations, what could the latter rain (the next portion of the Holy Spirit’s enablement) be and what could its diverse operations and administrations look like? Selah!
  2. If Hebrews 1:7 is speaking about the angels and they are referred to as flames of fire, what perspective does this give us about Matthew 3:11? What are the qualities of fire that make it a suitable symbol for spirits? Meaning, if “baptize you with the Holy Ghost” means immersion into the Holy Spirit such that we are wet with the influence and abilities of the Holy Spirit (just like baptism into water means immersion into water such that one is wet with water upon coming out), what does “baptize you with fire” mean? What would being wet with fire look like if fire is used to symbolize spirits? And what does it tell us about the character of the effect of the latter rain? Selah!