The Book of Romans: Chapters 1-8

The Book of Romans: Chapters 1-8

The Book of Romans is arguably one of the most impactful books in the Bible, relative to establishing a person in a victorious Christian experience. Discuss what a victorious Christian life looks like. It is for this reason and more that we have an incentive to study the book of Romans, with emphasis on chapters 1 to 8. The purpose of the outline is to serve as a catalyst for edifying scriptural conversation, and not to be an exhaustive exposition of the chapters. As such, every verse should be explored in our discuss, regardless of if it is explicitly highlighted in the outline. May the Lord favor us with much light as we proceed, Amen.

Romans 1

  • Vs 1:
    • What is the Gospel of God?
  • Vs 4:
    • What does it mean that Jesus is declared to be the Son of God with the power of the Spirit of Holiness? 
    • How can we key into this power to be manifest as the sons of God (Romans 8:19)?
  • Vs 16:
    • How is the Gospel the power of God unto salvation? 
    • Why is it “power” particularly to those who believe? Or why is believing required to unveil the power in the Gospel?
  • Vs 17:
    • What does it mean that the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith? 
    • What is the righteousness of God? 
    • What is faith? 
    • What is faith to faith?
    • What does it mean to “… live by faith”?
  • Vs 20:
    • What are some invisible things of God we can see and understand from the things God made?
  • Vs 21:
    • Why is foolishness in the heart a precursor to the heart being darkened?
  • Vs 24-28:
    • What does it mean that God gave them up to uncleanness, or to vile affections, or to a reprobate mind? 
    • What is a reprobate mind and what is the spiritual explanation for how it works? 
    • How do we reconcile these with the idea of inclusivity and the fact that some people say that is how they are born?