88 – The Stars in their courses

88 – The Stars in their courses

Zebulun and Naphtali were a people that jeoparded their lives unto the death in the high places of the field. [19] The kings came and fought, then fought the kings of Canaan in Taanach by the waters of Megiddo; they took no gain of money. [20] They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera.

Judges 5:18-20 KJV

Judges 4-5 showed a time where the Children of Israel were so oppressed because of the enemy, that people did not walk boldly on the road, but went through byways. This was until Deborah arose to judge Israel. As a result, she mentioned that the stars in their courses rose up and fought against Sisera. What does this mean? What or who is a Star and what does it mean that the Star is in its course?

The bible is a book full of symbols. Seeing that no literal star fought during the time of Deborah, she must have meant something else. According to Job 38:7, they are sons of God. Revelations 1:20 also describes stars as leaders in the church. They are people dwelling in the third heavens, reflecting the light of the Sun of righteousness. Stars are the seed of Abraham, Genesis 22:17. The seed of Abraham was grouped into two categories: the stars in the heavens and the sand on the seashore. Both categories are those who have been pulled out of the sea, which the bible describes the wicked as, Isaiah 57:20. However, the stars are men who have ascended to the heavens. Stars can also be seen as men of high authority who have sold themselves to the devil. Mark 13:25 says the stars of heaven shall fall. Seeing that one star is bigger than the earth, it was speaking of believers who backslide or what Jude described as wandering stars, Jude 1:3-13, who wander from the right hand of the Lord or come out from under his authority.

What does it mean that stars are in their courses? It means they stand in their priestly order. It means to remain under the right hand of the Lord or his authority and function in the lot God has assigned for you. Revelations 1:6 says the Lord has made us kings and priests unto God. Hence these are stars are people who minister unto God and unto the saints in the house, they are human angels or messengers. These saints are Gods battle axes that keep their rank. They are enrolled in the Lords end-time army, executing judgement from the heavens. You can know a star in their course because they walk in faith, hope and love. Joel 2:1-7 says they fall on the swords (speaking of words) of their brethren and are not hurt. Meaning, they are merciful towards their brethren. They do not entangle themselves in the affairs of this world, this is why they are able to be in the heavens and not like the sand upon the seashore. They are warriors who watch over the house of the Lord in prayer. They are peacemakers and those who repair the breach, Isaiah 58:12.

The stars were meant to give light, hence they are lights that shine in a dark place, they cannot be hidden. They are like the sweet influence of the plaides in Job 38:31 (meaning 7 stars) and are an influence in their neighbourhood. This is because the 7 spirits of the Lord are rested upon them. As a result, they do not walk after the sight of their eyes but are in obedience to the Spirit of the Lord, Isaiah 11:1-5.

The blessing of being a star in your course at these times cannot be overemphasized. Revelations 12:3-4 speaks of the great red dragon who used his tail to pull a third of the stars of the heavens. The tail of the dragon is symbolic of lies by false prophets that will pull people away, Isaiah 9:15. However, those who will fall are those who begin to wander away from the rulership of Christ, from His right hand. These stars in their courses are also said to be the seed of Abraham who will possess the gates of the enemy. They are the deliverers that the world is waiting for. When a man’s ways please the Lord, even his enemies are at peace with Him. Balam who became a false prophet could not curse Israel because they walked in rank. He could only bless, Numbers 12:8-12,19-24. It was when he caused some of the stars to wander via fornication that Israel was punished, Numbers 31:16. May we be stars who remain in the right hand of the Lord, fighting from the heavens. May we be stars in our courses.

Prayer for today: Lord, it is spoken of me in Your word that I am the light of the World, the seed of Abraham who is as the star in the heavens. Lord help me not to wander from your hand and be cast down to the earth. Teach me to keep my rank that I may be a useful tool to You in this end-time battle. As a city set on a hill cannot be hidden, but gives light in a dark place, may my light so shine that men will see my good works and praise You. 

Blessings Beloved 👋
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