139 – The Way of the Wayfarers – 4

139 – The Way of the Wayfarers – 4

A highway shall be there, and a road, And it shall be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean shall not pass over it, But it shall be for others. Whoever walks the road, although a fool, Shall not go astray.

Isaiah 35:8 NKJV

In every generation, there have always been the group of people who moved differently than the masses, being led by the Holy Spirit. These are always in transit and do not settle, having no continuing city on the earth. They are always moving from one understanding of God’s truth to another. God calls them the wayfarers. Their journey is always a wilderness journey, because God will always have them depend on Him. They are led into the wilderness and they come out of it. To them, this wilderness is described as a place of gladness. Among these people, there are usually wonderers, normads and vagabonds with no sense of direction. These wonderers look like and speak like the wayfarers, but are not. The wayfarers are typically dissatisfied by what is seen among the masses and this drives them to seek God. God typically separates the two classes of people in the end by judgement. Wayfarers develop the fear of God after seeing the coming judgment and they flee and learn to walk the way of holiness. Our meditation today is on the way. Jesus said in John 14:6I am the wayand the truthand the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me“. He is the only way of truth that leads to life. The intent of this meditation is that each man evaluates his life and ensure that he is on the high way to life.

It is important to know that the way is not man’s idea. It is not politics or democracy. God leads, not man. In Exodus 13:17-18, Moses wrote that the Lord chose not to lead the people through the easy road or the path of the Philistines, but through the wilderness. God led them by the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. During the time of Moses, everyone could see the cloud. If Moses was sleeping and cloud begun to move, a little child could see it and would come and wake Moses up. This is because God is the one leading and not a man. These men also had the Urim and Thummim for direction. They are a prophetic people. They are in the wilderness and so they cannot afford to move without the direction of the Lord. In the wilderness, there is no doctor, so anyone who is sick would need to seek God for a solution. The wayfarers, coming through the wilderness learn to seek God for the littlest to the greatest of things. We are also in this wilderness and can learn to live this way. Seek the Lord in everything and wait for Him till He speaks. Rather than run to advil when sickk, seek for God’s counsel and hear what He says. He may lead you to a doctor, or He may direct you to change your diet or lifestyle. The way of the wilderness is a way of total dependence on God.

The wayfarers also sleep with no fear. Having seen the judgment of God upon sin, they have developed a deep fear of God. This fear also creates a deep love for God because they see a God who is an all consuming fire, but chooses to be among them. This understanding therefore, drives away every other kind of fear. These men do not fear death. An example of such men is Joshua and Caleb in Numbers 14. They said “If God delight in us, He will give them the land”. The gaints in the land, were in their eyes a bunch of glorified grasshoppers. The only concern they had was God delighting in them, Numbers 14:8. If you still have a fear of death, you cannot walk this way. The fear of death is the major fear of man. This fear drives him to all forms of ungodliness. However, Jesus came to deliver men from the fear of death, Hebrews 2:14-15. Death was a law that Christ abolished and He instituted the law of the Spirit of life in Christ, Romans 8:2. If you still fear death, you need to cry out to the Lord for His deliverance if not you cannot survive the wilderness or the way.

Finally, this way is where God trains the people for the Kingdom. We mentioned in previous meditations, that these wayfarers know where they are coming from and they have the end in mind. Learning to walk the way of Holiness, this way is designed to bury all that is of a vagabond nature. Those who submit to this discipline of God will have this nature removed from them and will come out successfully from the wilderness.However, those who will not will be buried in the wilderness. The rule of His House is Holiness. It is a way of holiness, righteousness, truth and peace. These who come out of the wilderness successful will be those through which He would smite the nations and bring His Kingdom to earth.

Prayer for today: Lord today, I choose the way of the Lord. Though not a common way, it is a way of Wisdom and truth that leads to life eternal. Help me to submit to your will today that every nature of the vagabond will be removed from me. Here, I have no continuing city, but I seek Your coming Kingdom wherein dwells righteousness, peace and Joy. 

Blessings Beloved 👋
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